Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Buyer Beware!!!

For many of us who do our due diligence find the best deals for anything online. But how good of a deal are we really getting? Before we spend our hard earned dollars listen to this story...

I was asked to quote a couple LED stage light fixtures for a local Church. I always check my cost plus freight and then look online for what everyone else is selling the same item for. I'll then beat that lowest price and write up the quote. Today I went online and found stores selling the same item for less then what I can buy them for as a dealer!

Now, If your not a dealer you wouldn't see this as a red flag and just brush it off as a great deal. But as a dealer it strikes up concern. I gave the list of "stores" to my supplier and asked if they knew they were advertising below MAP. (Minimum advertised price) Here was the reply....

"These dealers on ###.com are unauthorized dealers and Manufacturers warranty will not be ordered on any product purchased thru any of them. We are just getting started with our New Warehouse Tracking System, so once it is operational we will crack down on any distributor who is selling to these guys that are violating.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but please stress to your customer that any product purchased thru an unauthorized dealer does not carry any warranty.

Thank you for the heads up."

So when your pricing items online and all the well know companies are selling at the same price be assured that is the MAP price and you will be receiving a warranty. If you see a lower price it may be a refurbished or a unauthorized dealer. This could be a nightmare when your looking for support or Warranty.

If you have any questions or comment please let me know.

Tony 239-458-3408